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Ryon Graf
Jun 25, 2012
Why do all our cells contain the same DNA?
25 June 2012 Yesterday I had lunch with my grandpa at a very nice outdoor Cafe down in La Jolla. He reflects a keen intellect and...
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Ryon Graf
Jun 23, 2012
How the Race Across America was won: Congrats Team ViaSat
23 June 2012 Dear readers, This entry is a break from my blog’s typical subject matter. As a scientific apprentice, most of my time is...
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Ryon Graf
Jun 19, 2012
Cell Death and a little science humor
This is quite literally what goes on every day in all of us. We are made of trillions of cells, and these cells are constantly...
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Ryon Graf
May 28, 2012
Genomic Jiu Jitsu: Using cancer’s most deadly attribute against itself.
28 May 2012 It’s not every day that your mind is blown. I would like to share with you an epiphany that happened to me not too long ago,...
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Ryon Graf
Mar 17, 2012
Can exercise help prevent cancer?
17 March 2012 Originally published on Slowtwitch with the title “Don’t want cancer? Sweat it off!” As I mentioned in my previous post, I...
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Ryon Graf
Dec 31, 2011
Weekly Cancer Blog on hold
31 December 2011 The end of the year is a time for reflection and for refining our goals. For 2011 I made a goal to start a cancer Q&A...
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Ryon Graf
Dec 16, 2011
What kinds of cancer existed in ancient times?
17 December 2011 This week’s article comes from Randal Hollis in San Diego, CA: What kinds of cancer existed in ancient times? I...
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Ryon Graf
Dec 4, 2011
Building the ship outside of the bottle: individual cancer genomics is becoming science fact.
3 December 2011 How will we treat the cancer of the future? Sequence a patient’s genome, and the cancer’s! If you just let out a gasp of...
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Ryon Graf
Nov 25, 2011
How does one become a scientist?
25 November 2011 This week’s question is not so much about cancer research as it is about cancer researchers and the general structure of...
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Ryon Graf
Nov 13, 2011
Thought Experiment: How would you design a cancer drug?
(Back to Cancer for Dummies main page for additional topics) 13 November 2011 I wrote on this topic a while ago, and figured it would be...
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